
Most important lesson

FluffyMcMittens wrote:
See, my step mother is a cold, racist, homophobic bitch. A real monster. But she donated 500 bucks to charity a few weeks ago.

What charity? Hope it wasn't "Gay-bashers for Hitler"!
12 years

Most important lesson

1. Don't apologize if you've done nothing wrong.

2. Don't buy glasses that have upside-down screws.

3. Never make plans that require sitting around waiting for someone to phone.

4. Keep your promises. Also, avoid making promises.

5. When you buy shoes, buy some replacement shoelaces for them. If they don't carry them, DON'T BUY THE SHOES!

6. The more it's all about you, the more you should make others feel it's all about them.

7. If a child is crying because she's hurt or afraid, comfort her. If she's crying because she's not getting her way, have her go cry somewhere else.

8. If nobody's listening, don't talk.

9. If someone says "you know what I'm saying?" and you don't, say "No, I don't know what you're saying."
12 years

Most important lesson

Oh wait, you said the most important lesson...oops. Uh...look both ways before crossing the street?
12 years

Most important lesson

Keep your eye on the ball.

Works for baseball, works for life. If you keep looking at your goal you can achieve it. But if you look away you will miss it.
12 years

Most important lesson

Per Ardua Ad Astra.
12 years

Most important lesson

To live each day as if it were your last.... If you cant be happy with yourself you are never going to be happy with anyone else x
12 years

Most important lesson

mines a quote from Penny lane in Almost famous hahaha but its so true so dont laugh

Never take it seriously.. if you never take it seriously you never get hurt, you never get hurt, you always have fun

so basically
never let yourself care enough to get hurt
I learnt this lesson after many a broken heart
12 years

Most important lesson

I've learned two important things in my illustrious career on this planet.

1. As you do and judge, so it will come back on you

2. Be a simple man...and BE HAPPY with how you live.

And I must say, I try to never judge others for a life that I can't change. I try to be/do good on everyone I meet...

I'm a simple guy with simple needs and I'm so happy with life right now.

Sounds like my lessons have been a success
12 years